Electrolytes are essential minerals that are super important for our health. In this article, find out about electrolytes benefits & how and when to supplement correctly.
Electrolytes Benefits - A Full Guide on Electrolytes
Electrolytes could be the missing link in your health - especially if you have not been feeling well. Make NO mistake - this simple, affordable and easy fix could be the game changer for you! Electrolytes and their importance to our body's well-being and to our bodies being able to function at optimal levels is beyond comparison. What are Electrolytes? Electrolytes are essential minerals like magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, chloride, etc. Electrolytes are charged minerals that are vital to our health. Electrolytes have either a positive or negative electrical charge when added to water or in our body and this is how they help our body maintain all the key chemical processes, fluid balance, nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and more. Kidneys are the first organ that feel the impact of low electrolytes in our body. Why Electrolytes are so Important? Electrolytes are important because they help with muscle contractions, fluid balance, acid balance, heart health, hormonal balance, circulation, sleep, relaxation, keeping the pH balanced in your body, helping with blood pressure, they help soothe the nervous system and also help brain function. How do we Lose Electrolytes? We lose electrolytes by poor diet, or if your diet is good then you may not be absorbing the nutrients well (digestive issues, ibd/ibs, etc.), excessive exercise, sweating, drinking too much water, vomiting, diarrhea, urine, poor appetite, alcohol, medications, sickness and so on. What are the Symptoms of Low Electrolytes? - -nausea, vomiting, dizziness, confusion (potassium) -lethargy, irritability and dehydration -chronic fatigue -digestive issues (diarrhea or constipation) -feeling bloated all the time (potassium deficiency) -weight loss and changes in appetite -muscle twitches, muscle cramps and spasms (lack of SALT) -aches, pains, stiffness -weakness, insomnia and anxiety (lack of magnesium) -feeling thirsty all the time -craving salt all the time -numbness or tingling in feet, fingers, or toes -irregular or fast heartbeat -dry mouth and dry dull skin -decreased or dark urine output (dark yellow, odorous urine) -(in severe cases) seizures, coma, cardiac arrest or convulsions or neurological issues (lack of sodium = SALT) What are the Benefits of Electrolytes? - -rapid hair growth -promotes deep sleep -energy during the day -relieves aches and pains -improves skin, hair and nails -helps exercise performance and endurance -prevents headaches and migraines -support our cognitive health -helps balance hormones (due to full mineral profile) -helps with conditions related to metabolic disorders -helps with weight loss as well as obesity (providing essential minerals so that the body can function properly to improve the weight issue) -electrolytes help with increased nutrient absorption as well as moving waste out of our cells -help with blood circulation and heart health -provide hydration to our cells -help rebuild tissues and cells -muscle cramps relief -bone and teeth health -help balance the pH of our body (acid-base level) -is excellent for seniors to maintain good health -excellent for cancer patients, survivors and anybody who is undergoing sickness How Much To Take Daily? - Depending on the severity of symptoms, you can take electrolytes either everyday till your symptoms improve or you can just take it 2-3 times per week during periods of high stress. Now, when I say 'electrolytes' I don't mean the cheap artificial colored drinks you get at your grocery store - no. I mean you invest in a high quality electrolytes powder or electrolytes drops - one with no sugar, no artificial flavors or colors. For U.S. customers - Look for brands like KeyNutrients on amazon or Whole Foods as it has more minerals than just the 4-5 that are normally found in electrolytes powder. It also has biotin which is great for hair, skin and nails. Note - I am NOT associated with this or any brand..just the name of the one I use to help you see what I mean. Here is a recipe for you that you can make at home to replenish your electrolytes. ![]() At-Home Delicious Electrolyte Drink Recipe One way to heal your low electrolyte balance is by having at-home drink everyday till your health recovers. Tweak this recipe and feel free to add as many more healthy goodies to this drink as you like (papaya, pineapple, blueberries, mint, parsley, cilantro, etc.) but just remember that for it to be an electrolyte drink, you need to make sure you add high quality salt in it. Recipe - 1. Coconut water (can do 50-50 with water or add mineral water as well) 2. Pinch of Indian Black Salt or Sea Salt (or any unrefined salt of your choice) 3. Pinch of cream of tartar (optional) 4. Flavor with some fresh lemon or orange juice 5. Jaggery or stevia or monk fruit sugar (optional) 6. Can add fresh cucumber juice as well and blend all. 7. Fresh mint! This recipe is great for maintaining good electrolyte levels in the body for healthy people. IF, however, your issues are severe and you need more help then that, you really need to consider buying a high-quality electrolyte powder supplement (as noted above) and taking it daily till your health recovers fully. There is nothing wrong with buying certain health supplements if your body needs it, especially if that is a temporary addition to your health regimen. Also those who are undergoing severe stress levels, have anxiety, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, falling sick all the time, have fatigue, cramps and those who are overworked and/or taking care of sick loved ones might be highly depleted in electrolytes. Electrolytes are not just for athletes or sports players - nope. If you have a body, you need to make sure you have electrolytes balance at ALL times. Period. All you have to make sure is to buy from a reputable brand that does NOT use artificial colors, sugar, flavors, etc. That is it! Go for it and see your health transform right in front of your eyes! End Notes - -Electrolytes are critical for our health and they could be the missing link between you getting sick and tired and feeling healthy and vibrant. -If you have blood pressure problems, kidney issues or are pregnant or breastfeeding, plz. consult with your doctor before supplementing with electrolytes and get your electrolytes checked first. -The best sources of electrolytes are always nature based meaning fruits, vegetables, ancient unrefined salts that have many trace minerals in them as well as drinks like lemon water, coconut water, fresh fruits and greens juices, etc. -Avoid drinks like soda which can dehydrate your body further, energy drinks which are often loaded with sugar and unhealthy carbs, dairy- and sugar- filled coffee drinks and artificial 'fruit juices' or fast food smoothies. These are NOT sources of electrolytes and do more harm than good to your body - in fact, all of these create serious blood sugar spikes, inflammation, weight gain, hormonal imbalances, fat belly and sluggishness in the body. -If you must buy some electrolyte powder to enhance your health, buy from a reputed, high quality brand that has all the minerals listed in the ingredient list and no white sugar specially. Buy one that has healthier sugar added to it like xylitol, stevia, monk fruit or fruits and vegetable extracts to add color (e.g. beets) and to bring taste to the powder. -DON'T buy one that comes in plastic containers. Avoid plastic at all costs - buy one that is sold in packets as they are much healthier and also, as a side note, as the citizens of this Earth, you have a responsibility to reduce the plastic going in the landfills. Moreover, it benefits you too - when you buy plastic containers, the plastic is leached into the product and it goes into our bodies, thus creating diseases and imbalances. So, avoid plastic at all costs. Ref. (1). Ref.(2). Ref.(3).
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