Here is a list of ten of the best evergreen gift ideas that your loved ones will thank you for! Affordable, luxurious, unique & eco-friendly, this list has you covered! Holidays are here and while it is exciting to give gifts to our loved ones, we often forget the far-reaching consequences of our purchasing power when done mindlessly and on personal front, the burning of our bank accounts! So, here is my list of some eco-friendly items that are green for the planet, green for your bank account and at the same time, healthy for the recipient. I also wanted to make sure they are safe for the animals of this world - in no way, will I ever support any product that threatens the habitat, the home of an animal. Never. Therefore, it is very important to use our purchasing power to make informed decisions and check if the item you are buying is, in anyway, threatening an eco-system (like the notorious conventional palm oil that has taken the habitat of orangutans!) or is creating an unbearable suffering to an innocent animal (leather products, down comforters, fish oils, silk, krill oil, glucosamine, etc.). Another concern that I always check for is to see if the company uses child labor to produce its goods. Thanks to the internet, lot of things are transparent because of the organizations that care about such issues like animal welfare and child labor and so on. Cacao powder production, for e.g., is obnoxiously linked with child labor and so is coffee production. So, always make sure that the item you are buying comes from a reputable company that has organic, ethical sourcing and fair-trade practices. With all this out the way, let's see what items I have picked for you! You will not find such a unique list of gift ideas anywhere - so take note and let's get started! This is exciting! Whoo-Whoo! 1. Bamboo Bathroom Set with Bamboo Toothbrush - Bamboo is the latest craze, among people like you and me, who care deeply about our beautiful planet and at the same time, want to live in style and elegance. Giving a bamboo toothbrush set or a set of all bathroom accessories, is a great way to promote sustainability while showing you care about chic style! Many places now sell the whole set or you can choose whatever items you want and make your own gift basket! Did you know there is a bamboo-charcoal toothbrush now on the market? Health stores have started carrying it and I love that there is a better option to the zillion plastic toothbrushes that are ending up in our oceans each year! Surely, this is a gift anyone would love and use! No guessing there! 2. Bamboo Cutting Board & Kitchenware - Another idea is that you can also give bamboo cutting board and bamboo kitchenware set as a gift. From plates to beautiful bamboo cutlery and bowls, everything is available and it will be a gift that won't be sitting and collecting dust - everyone needs kitchenware items! ![]() 3. Spice Box w/The Garden Recipe Info! - You can give something very unique and that no other person would think of giving, thus making your gift stand out of all! I am talking about a beautiful, filled, spice box! This is a gift of health and one that is a necessary item for those who love to be organized and who love to cook with spices....or want to learn about cooking with spices. You can go a step further and help your loved one by inserting a beautiful card in the spice box package with information about The Garden Recipe website and this way, the recipient will know what to do with the spices they have just received! Bingo! Problem-solved! Make sure to include the website address as well as some personal note like, "Check out this Tadka with Black Seeds Recipe on the site and give it a try with your new spice box!" Now, that's a gift worth giving - meaningful, healthy, and with a personal note to guide the recipient further..:) Note - Looking for a steel spice box, like the one pictured here and one that lasts forever? Find it in your Indian grocery store. Call and ask them before you go. 4. My Tomato-Ginger Chutney in Beautiful Glass Jars! - This year has been a little tough for everyone. So, what about your neighbors? Here is a perfect gift to go around giving to your favorite neighbors and even friends and family that live nearby! Plus, it is healthy, beautiful, and makes for an affordable, thoughtful gift. Make my 10-mins recipe of Tomato & Ginger Chutney, put it in glass jars, add a personal note, and voila, done! Not only does it have the bright beautiful red color of the holiday season, but because it is such an easy, quick recipe, you can easily make it for as many or as few neighbors and friends you like. Add some personal note about the recipe, and if you like, add the website link address to the recipe. This way, when your loved ones are done savoring the recipe, they will know how to make more, instead of having to call you and ask for a recipe or even worse, hesitating to bother you, and thus, never enjoying this scrumptious chutney ever again (except only in their dreams! aww...) My Tomato-Ginger Chutney Recipe 5. My Super Healthy Ginger-Garlic Paste - Now, this year has been tough for one reason and that is due to Covid-19. What could be better than giving a gift that boosts your loved one's immunity, reduces inflammation, heals the gut, removes aches and pains, and well, is just so darn delicious that they would want to eat it right off the spoon?! Yep. It's my Ginger-Garlic Paste that I am talking about - the same recipe you got in your inbox when you signed up to TGR newsletter. You can make it and pair it with the spice box - this way, your loved one can not just enjoy the paste, but also, can choose which spices to enhance the ginger-garlic paste with according to his or her preference. What a thoughtful gift! Attach the article link and the website info. and they will get all the amazing information about this healthy gift you have given them - from how to use, to which spices to add for what and how much to take, everything is in the article. Ah! All this is great but how will I peel all this garlic?! Not to worry! These days almost all stores, including Indian stores, have peeled garlic. You can even ask your grocery store guys to peel some extra garlic and pay separately. And just like my Tomato Chutney, all you need are glass jars and pack them and deliver! 'Immunity' has just arrived! My Ginger-Garlic Paste Recipe 6. Clay Pots for Cooking - Ah! How could I not add clay cookware on this list?! Truly an earthen-cookware, it is simply the most unique and thoughtful gift you can give to anyone! Did you know that cooking in clay pots is the only way to retain 100% of the nutrients in your food? Yup. It's that good. If you are looking to help someone with improving their health, you can buy a few clay cookware items like the ones pictured here and send it to them directly. The taste, the aroma and the health benefits are second to none in clay cookware. Likewise, if you are looking for meaningful purchases for yourself and your family, then invest in some clay cookware. It is great to support this art and to continue to help the artists behind the clay pots. I got these ones, pictured above, from India and then, I got some new ones recently that are from Mexico. Love them all! A 100% Earth-friendly gift! As for how to season, how to cook and how to clean and care, don't worry! - you are all covered! Subscribe to my YouTube channel as I have a whole series on clay pots cooking and care, and soon, the new clay pots recipes will be coming out. Here are the videos to my Clay Pots Series - A great way to spend your holidays! 7. Specialty Soaps, Shampoo Bars, Lotion Bars, Bath Bombs - This is a pampering gift! Whoever gets it, is sure to get excited and smile upon the discovery of organic, ethically sourced, high-quality soaps and shampoo bars. But what's even more important is that we are keeping with the theme of Earth-friendly purchases and items that are good for health. Have you ever used soap bars and shampoo bars? Long back, I decided I am done with plastic bottles and I wanted to reduce my carbon footprint. Each plastic bottle that we throw in the landfill will take a minimum of 500 years to decay. Yup. I know - shocking, sad and very bad..:) But we all can do something about it and well, let's do it. The beauty of this positive change is that you go back to old school ways - using clean, pure soap bars and loving the new change! In my home, we no longer buy any plastic bottle soaps, shampoos, body washes, etc. This is a huge impact on the environment - with just 1 person changing their ways. Multiply this by the number of years that I will live and the huge number of bottles that I am saving from ending up in the environment, that is empowering and makes me feel very good and proud! Soap bars and shampoo bars are easier to use, take less time than liquid soaps, and last much longer, hence, they help us save some money too! On top of that, they are filled with skin- and hair- enriching oils, herbs, and plant-based nutrients that truly deliver! Choose from small, ethical, organic companies and you are sure to love this purchase. Make a basket with soap bar, shampoo bars and add in some bath bombs along with some scented lotion bars and you will soon be the new favorite Santa in town! 8. My Ayurvedic Shea Butter Remedy for Joints/Aches & Pains - As I always say, the best content happens in the newsletter! And now you KNOW!! I recently sent out my Ayurvedic inspired shea butter recipe for joins, aches, pains and stiffness in the newsletter, so if you are a part of the newsletter group, you know you got it! The recipe is filled with goodies like spices, seeds and oils - all necessary for lowering inflammation and because, it is made with 100% natural ingredients like shea butter, castor oil, ginger, etc. it is 100% safe and effective. Here's a great idea - you could make this recipe in large batch and give it to your loved ones in cute little mason jars! What a gift! Add a personal note or tag that says about the ingredients, and do note that you got it from The Garden Recipe newsletter (plz. be ethical). This way, your loved ones can enjoy your home-made creation filled with love and also, get the benefit of learning more about holistic cures via the newsletter. Win-Win. 9. Chyawanprash & Shilajit - Pamper your loved ones with one of the oldest, more respected Ayurvedic remedies in India - Chyawanprash and Shilajit. Help your loved ones by boosting their immunity, digestion, and well, everything! Made with over 35 herbs and spices, Chyawanprash is super rich in antioxidants, nutrients, herbs, and is powerfully anti-inflammatory. Shilajit is used for boosting energy and immunity - something crucial during these times when many are scared about their health. Made with decomposed plant material over centuries, Shilajit is truly a way of connecting with ancient plants energetically. Learn more here - My Chyawanprash Article Buy Chyawanprash & Shilajit Here 10. Copper Bottle & Mugs - Last but not least, are copper bottles and mugs. Did you know that copper is so anti-bacterial that water stored in copper utensils never decays? This is why this is a great gift of health and at the same time, beautiful and unique. Make sure to attach my article so your loved ones will know why you are gifting them the copper bottles and how to care and when to take this copper water.
Read all about Copper Water Benefits - An Ayurvedic Practice in India since Centuries Well, this finishes our gift giving list for the holidays. I hope you have enjoyed my suggestions and wishing you and your family a very Merry season. Happy Holidays! Share The Article! - If this article has helped you, please share it with your loved ones and post it on your FB page and send to others via email. Questions or Comments? - Plz. do NOT e-mail me with any questions or comments regarding this article - post it in the comment section below and I will reply there only. No exceptions! Till next article, -Somyata. Have a specific question about herbs or something related? Click Here - You Pay, You Ask!
Vicki Bean
12/9/2021 23:07:23
Somya! I really appreciate your thoughtful gift-giving ideas that are not only healthy voices for the one receiving a gift but it’s also not harmful to the environment or especially to our beloved pets! Great job and thank you for these suggestions❣️
12/12/2021 14:46:32
Aaww..Thank You Vicki! So glad you enjoyed reading the list - yes to more love for the planet, people and definitely for preserving the habitats of wild animals. I feel too much plastic and other unethical practices in the name of consumerism are damaging our planet - the oceans, the forests, the ecosystems and homes of many, many wild animals.
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