It's inevitable that you would argue with your partner but how we argue and how we make the other person feel is what matters most. These 7 tips will help you learn to argue effectively.
Yoni massage means massaging the vagina. Yoni massage has many health benefits - from releasing tension to being a transformative intimate experience or self-love ritual.
In Tantra, testicle massage is considered a sacred part of a man's health and sexual vitality. Moreover, testicle massage has many health benefits for men. Find out in this article.
Anal sex can be painful but with the right precautions and safety measures, it doesn't have to be that way. This article is for those who want to enjoy anal with health & safety in mind.
In Buddhism, there are four qualities of true love that both partners must embody and must be willing to offer to their beloved. Find out in this article what they are.
Perineal massage is great for pregnant women but also for women who want to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. Read this detailed article to find out about perineal massage.
When our energies are wounded or unbalanced, we create a toxic relationship with our partners. What are the traits of a healthy masculine and feminine energy? Find out in this article.
This article shares tips on easy and effective ways to support your partner during hard times. These tips will help you shine in a relationship while helping your partner feel loved.
Without good communication, a relationship will fail. Learn top three tips that are easy to apply in daily life and ones that will greatly improve your relationship fast.
What is Tantra and what is Tantric sex? In this article, find out all about what truly is the esoteric tradition of Tantra is and understand concepts behind Tantric sex.
How do we keep our most important relationship strong in midst of life's demands? Check out these 3 points that will help you to focus on what matters most and deepen your bond.
As women, our breasts symbolize our beautiful feminine energy. Read this article to learn all about breast and nipple massage and the spiritual meaning of breasts in Tantra.
NoFap is a new trend among men but is it truly beneficial and what are it's benefits and who is it really for? And how to support men who are struggling? Find out about NoFap in this article.
In Tantra, the lingam massage refers to the massage of the penis and the areas around the male penis. This article details the spiritual and the sexual aspects of the lingam massage.
In Tantra, it is all about deepening our connection with our partner by bringing in more meaning to our intimacy with each other. Here are 7 tips for deeper intimacy.
Yoni steaming is an ancient practice which basically means vaginal steaming - done with the help of herbs infused in warm water. Find out everything you need to know in this article.