THE GARDEN RECIPE is a dream baby of mine. It has been thoroughly planned, polished, planned again, refined and then polished more. Whew! And then, finally, the day came when everything was ready and this sweet baby launched on 7/17/18.
The goal of THE GARDEN RECIPE is simple - to better the world. And what is the best way to make this world better? By promoting, first, the health of this delicate planet we call home - our Earth. Then maybe, we may achieve peace and health - for all of the inhabitants who live here. Therefore, THE GARDEN RECIPE focuses on 4 key areas as such:- 1. Promoting awareness of issues impacting the health of our mother Earth. This includes topics such as gmos, animal slaughter, environmental pollution, plastic consumption & waste, etc and the reverse - eco-friendly lifestyle, composting, gardening, organic foods, plant-based diet, wholesome fresh meals & ingredients, healthy habits, etc. You get the point - one can't go on with the other. If we care & if we want health for ourselves and future generation, we must stop the suffering of Earth and its sacred animals. There is NO other way and NOT much time to waste. 2. Creating awareness about the benefits of holistic eating & lifestyle - This is a must for those who want to live in harmony with their body AND at the same time, work on reducing the amount of chemicals in their environment. Holistic lifestyle benefits all (both humans, pets & the environment) - as it naturally promotes anti-cancer as well as anti-inflammatory diet. This also incorporates alternative treatment remedies, native wisdom and use of food as medicine. This applies to all, even those who are fighting a battle with cancer or any other disease - because what chemicals can't heal, Nature can take care of it in a flip. 3. Recipes - You will find here wonderful recipes, all 'designed' by me. ALL recipes are sugar/gluten/gmos/dairy/chemical/preservative/color/canned food/canned sauce FREE. Yep. You are welcome..:) On top of that, IF dairy (as in cheese) is ever used, it is clearly written in the article & the source of that dairy is also told - to create ethics in our buying decisions AND to reduce the suffering of dairy cows. But anyhow, maybe 1 or 2 recipes might ever have any dairy. It will be clearly noted in that article that the dairy is from organic farmer - hence, the well-being of the animals and the Earth are assured. All in all, it is NOT a part of my life and I do not recommend dairy to anyone - as a side note. Anyhow, the recipes are mainly entrees, focused on delivering you lunch or dinner or even next day's lunch-box meal. All my recipes use anti-cancer & anti-inflammatory ingredients and foster a very healthy, alkaline environment in the body. In each recipe post, there is a new thought - a new way of doing things, that you will learn and if you apply it in your cooking, you will get the benefits. If you don't, then you won't get the benefits. Simple! Childhood obesity & cancer - This is another concern plaguing the children of this world. This concern is addressed by the same approach - helping YOU create the main dish. This is crucial as time is limited per day & lives are getting more hectic but even more then that, the priorities are changing. Where once cooking food (esp. lunch/dinner/lunch-box) was considered the most cherished, joyful act of the day, it is now at the end of the 'to-do' list or even worse, it is not even on the list! Children are munching on junk food and now we are seeing myriad of health problems in children - from obesity to diabetes to cancer to auto-immune conditions and everything in between like dry skin/hair, acne/skin rashes/psoriasis/eczema/allergies, etc. This is also impacting the mental health and psychological well-being of the children. You get the point. So, what is the solution? First, STOP wasting your time cooking muffins, cakes, etc...things that don't even fill up the body's hunger and only create more acidity in the body. LEAVE those websites/blogs/etc. Geez. They are NOT what you or your family need. LEAVE them. Bye-bye blog. Thanks for nothing. Done. Instead, come join THE GARDEN RECIPE & learn to FOCUS your time & energy (as well as your money) on buying wholesome produce, healthy oils, etc & on creating entrees. Point made?! Let me make this very clear - loud & proud. NOTHING pisses me more then when I see children and pets being fed CRAP - 'mac & cheese' and ummmm...'dog food'...WHAT?? Why bring a child in this world or adopt a pet only to feed them JUNK? WHY? END NOTE: -At the end, remember, NO 'treatment' works and no 'treatment' fails - it just depends on divine timing and one's destiny. All we can do is try the best for ourselves & our pets AND instead choose the 'treatment' that actually benefits the body, rather than destroy it in the process. Rest is NOT in your hands or mine. With that said, I am happy that you are opening up to new ways of Light & joining THE GARDEN RECIPE in this exciting, new journey. Let's learn & grow together so that maybe we can be healthier enough to go on to take care of this Earth & its sacred animals. What could be more important & urgent? Sincerely, Somyata Saxena. Founder & CEO. And now some fun facts about me - 1. I worked as a statistician (and team leader for bioinformatics) in cancer research (oncology) at the Methodist Research Institute & University of Texas Health Science Research Center in Houston. I worked on published manuscripts, bioinformatics organization, quality of life protocols, database management, patient data (survey/questionnaire/interviews) as well as statistical projects from other departments in Methodist. 2. During my time in this field, I saw the horrors of conventional treatments and extremely low quality of life in cancer patients here in America. It was equally shocking to me that none of these cancer patients were ever told or made aware about what REAL food and nutrition is. The cancer patients came from history of poor lifestyle choices but it was even worse that they had no idea how to support their body while undergoing treatment. 3. What was even worse? The DOCTORS had no idea about anything related to nutrition or any anti-cancer super foods. The doctors had no awareness about what just a few holistic ingredients in a patients diet could do. Horrible. Simply horrible. 4. Then one day, after some contemplation, I decided I was done with this job. I quit - for many reasons. Ya, I quit - just like that. And that has been one of the BEST decisions of my life so far. Whoa!! 5. Due to major life changes & turning points and well, everything in between - I then took a break. During this time, I worked on my dreams, learned everything, refined it all, made even more bold personal life decisions, changed more, learned more....grew more..and then changed even more....& ah! then launched THE GARDEN RECIPE. 6. I did my bachelors from University of Houston in Economics and 2 minor degrees in B.B.A as well as Human Development & Consumer Science. 7. ALL my dogs are either from shelter or stray or rescued from horrible homes. Proudly..:) I have also helped many a stray. My dogs are MY HEART & SOUL. No kidding! 8. I and the dogs love living a simple, natural lifestyle. We eat the most joyous food on Earth - tasty, home-cooked and fresh meals..:) We love going on walks and love being with each other in our simple, cozy home - away from the mad world. Our weekends are the same as our weekdays and our weekdays are the same as our weekends. Why? Coz my favorite company in the world are my dogs and their favorite company is each other and me. Simple! 9. Where are the doggies photos? There will be NO doggie photos - yes! you read that correct. My dogs are not 'promotional items/products' to 'market' this business. I do not need to show my dogs to the world to prove how healthy they are, how beautiful they are or what a great owner I am. Nope. Also, unlike the rest of the world, I do NOT take selfies after selfies nor will I be taking my dogs's photos and posting them all over the site/FB/etc. In a world where people are busy taking photos after photos - either their own or their children's or their dogs's and then posting all over the social media, well, I am not one of them. No. There will be NO dog photos. 10. I am from Delhi, India - one of the most vibrant cities in the world. And food?! Oh boy! It's fantastic..:) 11. My love for cooking was inspired by my grandparents. I use to stand on a chair in the kitchen, next to my grandparents and 'help' them cook. LOL. This is how I learned simple living, vegetarian food as well as respecting the Earth AND its sacred animals. Yup, it's ALL due to my grandparents and their down-to-Earth philosophy and lifestyle. Thank God!! 12. My aunts have contributed a lot to my life as well. One of my aunt has been the constant support as well as inspiration behind my strong ethics related to environment and animal welfare. My other aunts are equally important in terms of their impact on my life; from sharing love for cooking to living a simple yet content life, it is my grandma, first and foremost, and then, my aunts who have shaped me. OK. I hope this is a good introduction. Enough about me and now I want you to hop onto other pages of my beloved site and enjoy! After all, this was created for YOU. So, hop on to recipes page if you are hungry or check out latest articles under 'Health Articles'. Check out my contribution in cancer research HERE. |