Ginger-garlic homemade paste that offers super healing powers for the body along with the spices and oils - truly an anti-inflammatory recipe! One of the most crucial yet simple change you can make in your health routine is to include ginger and garlic in your recipes. I eat a lot of both and so do my dogs (yup! you read that correct).
Now, if you don't have ginger-garlic paste or sometimes, if you don't want to use ginger-garlic paste, then fine chopping is another option. But either way, I highly suggest you incorporate these two in every recipe possible and for very strong reasons. After all, there is a reason why these two are called as medicinal foods. What are the benefits of ginger-garlic paste? Let's see... 1. Fights Inflammation - You probably know by now that inflammation is the root cause of every disease. OK. Let me explain an easy way. So, if it is the root cause of every disease, then what does that really mean? It must be so, then, that inflammation is an imbalance in our internal machine. When the normal rhythms of our body, what we also call 'balance,' is thrown out of order, only then can a problem start and persist. And how is this balance thrown out of order? Inflammation happens when we bombard our body with "Inflammatory" foods like dairy, animal products, refined oils, gmos, sugar, soda, white bread and salt, etc. Inflammation shows up in many ways - from inflammatory bowel disease to swollen body parts to joint (or back pain or arthritis) or even slow progression of cancer and such diseases. Being over-weight or having redness is also a sign of underlying inflammation. So, if you are someone who has any hint of inflammation in your body, then hop on to ginger-garlic bandwagon. Garlic is rich in sulfur compounds and this is why it is helpful in inflammation. As for ginger, it is high in gingerol, a substance with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 2. Digestive Issues - Both ginger and garlic have been used since ancient times in healing digestive upsets. Luckily, people back then didn't have doctors or clinics to run to for every single thing. Instead, they depended on their wisdom and understanding of tried and tested remedies. "Common sense," as we call it. Ginger, due to gingerol, is excellent for nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and indigestion. Garlic also helps in this arena by helping to kill the bad bacteria in the intestine, thus promoting good digestion. 3. Garlic reduces Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Cholesterol and Infection - Numerous studies around the world have shown the benefit of garlic compound known as allicin. This compound is known to help in heart disease as well as in infections. 4. Ginger helps Diabetics and Heart Disease patients - In a 2015 study of 41 participants with type 2 diabetes, 2 grams of ginger powder per day lowered fasting blood sugar by 12%. Hence, its benefits are many so why not take bit of ginger everyday? 5. Most of all, they both are anti-cancer - Yes! Both ginger and garlic are super anti-cancer foods. Because they lower inflammation and are also detoxifying to the body by helping the digestive tract stay in optimum health, both ginger and garlic are a must for anyone who is striving to be healthy or even one who is a cancer patient. Moreover, the sulfur compounds (allicin and S-allyl cysteine) in garlic along with its powerful flavonoids (quercetin) are the reason why it is considered anti-cancer. OK. So here we go with all their benefits. Now, what's the wait? Lets get going with our ginger-garlic paste recipe. How to make? The pics here tell the whole recipe story - peel both ginger and garlic. Process in mini processor or mixer, add pinch of sea salt and bit of oil to preserve for few days and you are done. You can make a lot at once and keep for few days. You can also add a pinch of sea salt and that will help grind it to more of a paste consistency. How much should I make at a time? I am a passionate enthusiast for fresh, homemade food so from that perspective, I would only advice you to make for just 1 week. Not more. If you have been overweight, have inflammation, pain or swelling, cancer, etc then you should definitely start eating this couple of times a day raw and in your recipes as well. So, for 1 week, make enough to fill at least 10 oz jar. If you are healthy, still incorporate this paste in everything as much as possible. And then make fresh each week. What are the preservatives? Salt and oil are used to preserve. Now, for salt or oil, let's not use the unhealthy options. Choose sea salt and for oil, choose grape seed or olive oil to preserve. You can also use organic coconut oil. How to store? Store in GLASS JAR - no plastic please! It's killing our planet and killing all of us. It's suffocating the innocent animals! Whew! OK. Back to the point.. Anyways, make sure your glass jar is dry and clean and you are all set. Store it in the back of fridge so it stays cool. Use dry spoon each time to use it. How to use? This post was created to emphasize the importance of incorporating ginger-garlic in your daily recipes. Recipes such as noodles, veggie fried rice, lentils, beans, vegetables, soups, fritters etc are excellent to use this paste in. It will enhance the flavor and aroma of your dish. Can I take this raw? Yes! Bravo! Good job! Ah! Now you are getting it....Absolutely. Start with a teaspoon first in the morning and see how it goes...increase your dosage as well as frequency. So maybe, if you are having arthritis, cancer, diabetes, etc then you can take bit more 3 times - morning, late afternoon with lunch as well as later with dinner. This is food, from the plants, been used since million centuries - it's SAFE. Can I add some spices to make it more tasty or healthier? Yes! Go for it. You can add bit of turmeric, cinnamon or even cayenne. Oh boy! the super healing power of this just got magnified..:) Just make sure you remember what spices you have added so you can adjust in your recipes, while cooking. That's all. Simple! Oh! I am excited! What more spices can I add? You can add cardamom powder which will also add taste, aroma as well as its healing properties like being anti-cancer, diuretic, anti-oxidant as well as helps in lowering inflammation which is again very beneficial to all but especially to those with arthritis, pain, joint/back stiffness, swelling or redness..etc. You can also add bit of fenugreek but only a pinch as fenugreek is bitter. So very tiny pinch. It is great for hair, is a digestive, is again anti-inflammatory and helps liver as well as kidneys. Fenugreek is also excellent for breastfeeding as it helps with increasing milk production in breast feeding mother. Black pepper - It is great if adding turmeric as it will enhance the absorption of turmeric in the body. You just need a sprinkle and that should do it. NOTE - Remember to add all these spices very little - or pick and choose when making first time as you will have to adapt to taste. And then the second time when you make your weekly ginger-garlic paste, you can add all of these spices together. How much proportion of each should I use with respect to taste? If you are not a spice lover or just making this for the first time, I highly encourage you go with only about 30% ginger to 70% garlic ratio. This way it is not too 'gingery' for you. Ginger is a spice so yes, it is spicy. It is also bitter if taken too much in recipe or paste. So to avoid this issue, just add approx. 30% and you are good to go. I hope this article has explained to you the benefits in simple-to-understand way. Do this paste for 1 week along with the colorful, potent spices and you will see your body beginning to change from inside out for better! So, here are the photos and I hope you will get on to it right away. Here's to powerful health and healing! -Somyata
~ Nona
9/8/2018 21:26:23
I'm delighted to read about this combination -- garlic and ginger -- because I already know how good each ingredient is to health. This will be a wonderful paste to use in cooking. I never would have thought to combine these two ingredients. Thank you!
9/10/2018 14:28:10
Hello Nona - I have replied to you personally. Plz check your inbox for full details. Thanks. Somyata
Shanthi Devi
10/18/2018 01:43:34
I cook with ginger and garlic but would LOVE to be able to make this paste. Unfortunately I do not have the machine so can not do it. I also have a doggie, Charlie, who gets bad rashes from chicken. he loves chicken that bar b qued over flame. I buy here in Cambodia on the street at one particular place. now on fish but does not care for it. I feed him cooked meat, some white rice, and any veggies that I eat.I do not give him onion as I read it is not good for doggies...don't 'really' know though. I look forward to the day I can make this awesome mouth is
8/8/2020 07:27:56
Not only did I love reading all the benefits of adding garlic and ginger, but I dearly enjoy the personality you impart to us with your narrative style.
8/8/2020 13:54:42
Ah! Thank you JoAnne! Isn't ginger-garlic paste so aromatic and lovely? Ok now I feel like making some...Unlike other Indians, I do NOT buy the one that is pre-made and sold in plastic jars at Indian stores.
~ Nona
8/8/2020 20:38:07
I forgot about this recipe and just made it this evening.
8/11/2020 13:18:24
You are most welcome..:) It's time to get some asafoetida, which I know you will love as it is reminiscent of garlic and onion flavor and aroma. Another one is CHAT MASALA which is excellent for just about anything - add it to beans, lentils, veggies, drinks and fresh fruit! It's pungent due to Indian Black Salt in it, but you will love it! Oh yes! black salt is another one...And of course, black cumin seeds (called kalongi) are too beneficial and yummy!
9/13/2020 18:52:13
Thank you so much. I will definitely try this.
Fatima Slavin
3/29/2022 19:42:14
How should I take in the mornong?Empty stomack?
3/30/2022 11:47:08
Hello Fatima - No. Do not take this on empty can simply make this and then add it to your recipes like in lentils, veggies, rice pilaf, etc. Very good for health! Hope that answers your question..:) -Somyata
6/24/2022 17:02:39
Hi - There is a ratio listed at the end...
1/16/2024 11:27:45
As always great information. Appreciate you.
1/16/2024 15:02:35
Thank you Linda! Love your comments..:) -Somyata
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