'Golden Milk' recipe with almond milk, turmeric & other spices along with another sweet surprise! A 'MUST' recipe for health & longevity.
Turmeric milk is a "must" for wellness - whether you are a cancer patient or have inflammation or simply just want to be stay and be healthy. Turmeric milk is also called golden milk. It is an age-old Ayurvedic recipe that truly delivers the healing to one's body. It is taken when someone has fever, cold, cough, pains, or recovering from surgery or accidents. Here I have written an article in question-answer format to help you understand its benefits & start making it right away! How do I make turmeric milk? Simple! Follow the video to make your life easy. It will take you step-by-step and you will be done in no time. This is literally a 5-min recipe that you can do everyday. How many times should I drink this each day? That depends on your health state. If you have inflammation like swollen feet/legs/etc, eczema, pains, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, lumps/cysts, etc then you should take it more in the beginning. So, start with 3 times a day and go from there. You can do once in morning, once in mid-afternoon or early evening and then few hours before bed. If you are otherwise healthy, then just once is enough. How much turmeric should I add? So, again, if you have cancer, inflammation, pains, etc - add 1 whole tablespoon of organic turmeric each time in the beginning. As you start healing, then you can lower the quantity if you wish. If you are healthy, then add between 1 teaspoon or per choice. What other spices can I add? You can add ginger powder or even grated ginger. This is especially useful for those who are in deep pain caused by arthritic, sciatica, or those who have digestive issues as ginger is a great spice for calming the digestive tract. You can also add cardamom as I have added in my recipe. This is a great spice for taste but also for those who have ibs/ibd, cancer, too much inflammation and digestive issues like ulcers. It is also a great spice for lowering high blood pressure. It is also a diuretic - meaning it expels water build-up from the body. In India, it is often chewed after lunch/dinner or when someone is feeling nauseated or like vomiting. You can add cinnamon which is also part of my recipe here. This spice is excellent for diabetics - it keeps the blood sugar in check and is a great anti-inflammatory spice as well. It is very rich in antioxidants. Cinnamon reduces blood sugar, blood pressure as well as bad cholesterol (LDL). So, take a pinch of cinnamon every day! BUT do not take too much - it is only needed in small quantity. Just stick with 1/2 teaspoon a day and go from there. Max. is 1 teaspoon/day. Another is black pepper - this is to enhance the absorption of turmeric by the body. Black pepper contains piperine, a bio-active compound that helps cucurmin in turmeric get absorbed by the body better. Don't get too technical as to how much you need to add for it to work. Just add per your taste and you are good to go..:) Last but not least, you can add cayenne. It is a powerful detoxifying spice and also helps in easing joint aches and stiffness. Add a pinch and go from there. Cayenne also has anti-cancer benefits, it helps with circulatory problems and reduces pains. Capsaicin in cayenne has been shown to reduce the amount of substance P, a chemical that carries pain messages to the brain. Cayenne is also considered as a "weight-loss spice" as it helps in burning calories if eaten in each meal. (NOTE: ALL my recipes use cayenne for taste & therapeutic benefits.) Anything else I need to know before making this magical, anti-cancer, colorful, silky drink? Ah! I am glad you asked. LOL. So, 4 more very important points to make this have optimum benefits:- 1. OK, so turmeric is fat soluble, meaning taking it with some healthy oil like organic, unrefined coconut oil will help it get absorbed better. Just add a small teaspoon of coconut oil before you drink and you have a very potent, healing drink that ought to make you feel good right away! 2. Make this in STEEL PAN - Don't make such a sacred, anti-cancer recipe and then make it in non-stick! full of lead and Teflon! Unless you want Teflon in your drink and in your body, let non-stick go...forever. Make in STEEL. 3. Use PLANT BASED MILK - Don't do all this work and use inflammation, hormone-disrupting, obesity and cancer causing dairy! Not to mention it is full of cruelty. Use a good plant based milk like coconut, almond, cashew, rice, flax, hemp, soy (non-gmo)..the list is endless. OR you can do even better - soak almonds or cashews overnight or some seeds and rinse in morning. Mix some water and make this as your milk for the recipe. 4. Add milled flax seeds - Yes! Add flax seeds at the end - to avoid heating them and to avoid them becoming glue-like. Flax seeds are excellent source of omegas and fiber. It will help your digestive tract with healthy detoxification and at the same time provide healthy fats to your body. I am obese/have thyroid/diabetes or just want to increase this milk's detoxifying and healing powers. What can I add? As listed in point #1 above, add organic coconut oil. This is a great way to lose weight and feel good. Coconut oil has been used since centuries in many cultures and when studies were done, none of these populations had high number of obesity cases or heart disease. Coconut oil also helps with thyroid, detox, blood sugar and in providing healthy fats to lubricate the joints. Add 1 tablespoon in this milk and drink it in the morning. See how you feel after a week. You will feel more energetic and also, as a side effect, have more soft, supple, glowing skin. This is it! Enjoy this drink w/your loved ones. Make this for guests and impress them with taste and color!
5/21/2020 11:02:27
Yet another one more of your amazing and informative articles on how a simple recipe can improve my health.
5/21/2020 11:45:23
Aww! Dear Joanne - Thank you! I am beyond happy to read your comment and so happy that I have been able to help you. I really appreciate your "gift" of writing the feedback/comments and sharing them with the readers.
10/18/2020 10:31:43
I'm going to buy organic almonds to make my own almond milk so that I can make this recipe.
10/18/2020 12:16:57
Oh WOW! That will be amazing! The REAL almond milk will be much creamier and worth the taste..:) The addition of cardamom in this recipe brings out the sweet aroma and taste of this turmeric milk..:) Enjoy! I can't wait to know how you liked it. -Somyata.
10/22/2020 13:35:47
I've made this twice.
10/22/2020 21:12:32
Back again.
10/23/2020 11:07:37
Awww...Ms.Nona! You can write as MANY comments as you like on the site! If anything, it helps other readers as well as helps me get feedback and more views...:) So, THANK YOU!!
~ Nona
11/9/2020 15:18:58
I finally realized that making my own almond milk (which I've been doing) is
11/9/2020 18:20:53
Oh Ms.Nona! You made me laugh! I love your honesty! Yes, almond milk making is expensive and well, time consuming and that is the reason I never took that route. I just buy mine and well, that's that.
~ Nona
11/9/2020 19:36:07
I didn't come up with the idea of ginger all by myself: It comes from your recipe, as you can see below. I prefer it minced rather than grated, however. And I feel that fresh, organic ginger is the best.
11/10/2020 18:22:43
Well....Ms.Nona, I didn't have the guts to add fresh ginger, so I am going to go get organic ginger powder and then start...:) LOL. Hats off to you for your guts! hahaha -Somyata
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