In Ayurveda, digestion is the most important part of health. It is no surprise that Ayurveda has many solutions & in this article, we talk about one of the best digestive solutions! In Ayurveda, seeds such as cumin, caraway, black seeds, etc are revered for their health benefits and highly recommended. This is one reason why seeds are a regular part of Indian cuisine and why teas made out of these savory seeds are taken as part of one's daily health regimen.
Many seeds like cumin seeds, fennel seeds, flax seeds and caraway seeds add digestive power to our food - a critical component as the modern day lifestyle habits wreck havoc on our digestive health and from there, we start seeing the rise of many more health issues. Epidemics are rising - from obesity to cancer to digestive disorders like ibs/ibd, Crohn's plus the unnecessary aches and pains like arthritis, and such, but irrespective of what we call the disease, we know that all ailments start in the gut - that is, the digestive tract. In this article, we talk about one powerful, yet very affordable, easy recipe that can create wonders for your digestive health and in turn, go on to improve lot of your other symptoms related to your poor health. What is CCF Tea? CCF tea stands for cumin, coriander and fennel seeds tea. It is an Ayurvedic recipe for digestion, bloating, gas, distended stomach, constipation, heartburn, acidity, etc. It has been used in India since centuries and it also helps in detoxifying the body of toxins (ama). What doshas does CCF Tea serve best? CCF tea is great for all three dosha types - Kappa, Vata and Pitta. This is due to the fact that all the three seeds used in this tea balance each other very well - cumin seeds are warm while coriander and fennel seeds are cooling to the body. Hence, the overall properties of this tea are both cooling and warming - thus working for all types of body constituents. Benefits of CCF Tea? CCF Tea helps digestive issues - CCF Tea is known to help all digestive issues such as bloating, gastritis, ibs/ibd symptoms, indigestion, leaky gut, inflammation, and even stomach ache. Thus, if you are experiencing an of these digestive issues, you must start on this amazing tea! CCF Tea increases the digestive fire! - CCF Tea increases and stimulates the agni - the digestive fire needed for better assimilation and absorption of nutrients. The presence of cumin seeds in this tea is enough to stimulate digestive juices and create the good type of heat - agni, the fire in the tummy. Cumin seeds are warming seeds - hence, they are a crucial component of this miraculous healing tea. CCF Tea helps the metabolism & detoxifies the body - By increasing the digestive juices, CCF tea helps to stimulate the metabolism in the body. It also makes detoxification work more optimally since when the body's digestive system picks up speed, the detoxification follows naturally. CCF Tea increases gastric juices - CCF Tea is taken in the morning and for good reason - it set the digestion in motion and helps increase the production of gastric juices in the digestive tract. This intestinal mucus is needed by all of us but especially people who have ibs/ibd type of conditions. CCF Tea helps in weight loss & flushing out excess water - CCF Tea helps in weight loss by detoxifying the body and since this tea blend increases the metabolism, it is often used to shed excess weight. It is also a gentle diuretic - it helps flush out excess water in the body. Best way of making it? Many sites, bloggers, and even Ayurvedic doctors will simply tell you to mix equal quantity of each seed in warm water, infuse for 15 mins and take the water! This method is nothing but wastage and non-sense in my books! It wastes the seeds and does not tap into their true healing power. Here is what I recommend and this is exactly what I teach in my coaching - Take equal quantity of the three seeds, grind them into fine powder and store in an airtight jar. Make enough for 2 weeks at a time. Now, take some warm water, mix 1 teaspoon of this powder in the warm water and let it steep overnight on counter. Make sure to cover the pot. In morning, warm this mix for few mins, and drink this entire mixture along with the powder. Don't waste the powder. NO strainer required! Also, remember to use stove - NOT microwave! The benefits of this method is that the tea has steeped really well and all the nutrients are in the water now. This will be evident by its dark yellow to brown color. Also, the powder is far better absorbed by the digestive tract than if you were to chew the seeds. And last but not least, we did NOT waste the seeds - we used our money wisely and really tapped into all the amazing benefits these sacred seeds have to offer us! If anyone tells you that the grounded powder will lose its potency, then, ask them, "what do you think spices are made of?!" After all, spices are nothing more than a mix of grounded seeds and grounded whole spices like cloves, nutmeg, etc! Goodness! What should I do with left-over seeds after the tea? In a lazy and wasteful method, you will have seeds left and will need to discard them (and waste your money). In my method, as listed above, you will not be wasting them, getting ALL the benefits and enjoying the grounded seed mixture for optimum health. Best time to take it? This recipe is best taken on an empty stomach in the morning - this stimulates your digestion and helps in releasing digestive juices. Also, make sure you take it slightly warm as that is when it is most beneficial. Do NOT put it in fridge and then drink it. Make sure to keep minimum of 1-hr gap between your tea and breakfast (or any other meals if taking throughout the day). Can I mix it with other seeds? You can add some ginger (if needing more warmth in the body), cardamom (elaichi) powder and caraway (ajwain) seeds. All these will help you even more in digestion and in healing your gut issues. When the water has cooled down, you can add some fresh organic lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to enhance the health properties of this wonderful drink and flush out excess weight. Can I take it with other herbal preparations? Yes! You can take this with Trikatu or Triphala or Shilajit and even Chyawanprash! Just make sure to NOT over-do it and keep track on how you feel for a week. Then, depending on that, you can adjust the dosage and frequency of the tea and the other additions of your choice. Keeping track diligently is the answer to good self-health management! What else will help me feel better more? Another thing I advice is that you brush on my following articles as it will help you even more! 1. Cumin Seeds Tea Benefits 2. Caraway Seeds Tea Benefits 3. Trikatu: An Ayurvedic 3-Spice Blend for Digestion & Health 4. Chyawanprash: An Ayurvedic 'Miracle' Jam This is it! So simple yet so powerful! Start with this remedy right away and reap the benefits. Another small, do-able change for you but one that will yield huge benefits to your health and well-being...:) Help Your Loved Ones! - Share! Share! Share! Post it on your FB page! Send in e-mail to all your loved ones! Invite them to join TGR so they can get such detailed articles too! And of course, invite them to eat some Garden Recipes with you! Questions & Comments? - If you have any questions, plz. do NOT e-mail me; post your questions/comments in the comment section and I will reply there only. To amazing CCF Tea! - till next article. -Somyata.
Shruti Seth
7/7/2020 00:00:15
So much info... Thanks for sharing
7/7/2020 00:12:55
Aww...yours is the first comment on this NEW article! Thanks! -Somyata.
7/7/2020 20:24:35
Thanks very interesting. I have added cardamom to my trikatu tea taste great. I will maybe add this. My one concern is that I don't need to lose weight. But I like it for digestive issues.
7/7/2020 20:46:51
Hi Linda - If you do not need to lose weight, then you just take it once per in morning. And another thing is to take it like 3 to 4 times a week....This is also beneficial point as it helps maintain high efficacy of this mixture. These 2 points will still get you the benefits withOUT having you lose lot of weight. Hope that helps! Somyata.
7/10/2020 08:34:05
Thank you Somyata - I will start doing this ASAP. I’ve just started digging into your wonderful website - it all looks fabulous.
7/10/2020 12:01:07
You are most welcome, Jules! And welcome to the site! Oh I love the way you said, 'digging'..:) Yes! Check out the site (best viewed on laptop or desktop) and let me know if you have any questions.
11/5/2020 02:56:14
Will you get piles problem if you take this powder raw for three times a day Please let me know the exact amount of powder to be used Also can I take this through out my life Please clarify
11/5/2020 14:24:26
This is just a digestive powder - like churan. You already eat these 3 seeds daily in life...since birth, as you are Indian. So, your body is already used to them so it should be fine.
11/6/2020 09:18:32
Thanks a lot
11/6/2020 11:48:36
No problem! You are welcome. You can also subscribe to my youtube channel which will help you a lot and also, newsletter. Check out some more articles here as well as some recipes. Let me know if you have any questions! -Somyata.
11/18/2020 03:29:24
Can you drink karunjeeragam water throughout your life I have been drinking that for the past three years Will it have any side effects in the long run Please clarify Thanks
11/18/2020 13:57:40
I can't say about side-effects as it is 100% natural remedy but however, you should give a gap in between so your body finds it effective! Drink it for 4 months, gap of 4 months and then 4 again. This will also prevent your body from the cooling effects of coriander and fennel and keep it normal. So best is, take in summer, while giving a gap in winter months...and so on. - Somyata
11/19/2020 05:52:43
Thanks for your kind reply 🙏
11/19/2020 11:21:29
You are most welcome! Most people don't care to say thanks these days but I appreciate you taking the time to say that..:) Subscribe to my youtube channel and also do tell your family/friends about it. Have a great day! -Somyata
5/26/2022 08:26:03
Hi Somyata, just discovered your website. Thanks for sharing this! I have been suffering from what seems to be a Vata imbalance (dryness, constipation, unintended weight loss, etc.) Trying to fix my digestion.
5/26/2022 14:33:39
Hi Geetha - You are most welcome..:) As for ratio, no there really is no ratio. If you are a vata, then one thing I will tell you is to include lots of healthy fats in your diet and of course, warming spices will do great for you like ginger, cinnamon, cayenne, etc.
5/26/2022 20:17:09
Thanks, Somyata. I'll experiment a bit with the ratio in that case. And yes, I just subscribed to your newsletter. Thank you :)
5/27/2022 17:22:10
Perfect! Let me know how it goes for you with the ratios..and thanks for subscribing! Looking forward to helping you in your health journey! - Somyata
8/16/2022 00:17:43
Hi Saumyata,
8/16/2022 15:36:49
Hello - Yes you can take this tea..It is just spices and that is all. It will help with digestive issues so I suggest you take it for maybe first 3 months daily and then reduce it as you heal to about 2-3 times a week..It is a very respected remedy in Ayurveda.
7/13/2023 21:15:13
Let know, if ccf tea is recommended for gastritis (inflammation in stomach)
7/14/2023 12:07:49
It clearly states in the article that CCF tea is for gastritis!
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