In this article, find out what are trace minerals & why they are so important for your health and well-being. Learn the best source to take & how to get optimum benefits. Lot of people have lot of symptoms these days - the epidemics are rising and doctors are failing at diagnosing the problems. What is even worse is that the medical system has no relationship with the 'farming' system - hence, creating a huge divide between the health-care and the nutritional needs of the patient. But there is another very powerful aspect to today's article and one that I am proud to address - soil depletion and the role of regular public (NOT the medical system, NOT the govt. and NOT Monsanto, this time!). Read on... The problem...and need for trace minerals:- This problem gets even more 'out-of-hands' for those who want to take charge of their health and not support the corrupt system - they want to eat right and organic and nutritious whole meals but who is to say this will prevent diseases? Such independent people, who do not live in illusions and do not want to be a burden to government, medical system and society later on, are what I call, pro-active ethical thinkers. I am one of them and I truly respect all those who stay healthy and do everything to take care of their health - adopting a plant based, ethical diet to organic farming to sustainable practices in their daily life. All small acts add up - all this have an effect on our soil today and for tomorrow's generation. But still, nowadays, we see even health conscious people getting sick. Why? This is because when our most valuable asset - our soil, is not healthy, then how can we be? Our soil is now very depleted from minerals and that is due to aggressive farming practices, high use of pesticides and fertilizers and of course, gmos and such toxic chemicals being sprayed on agricultural fields all over the world. Another aspect I want to note are the populations and their trends - the public. What about those who are narcissistic enough to only care about themselves and leave the rest to mercy? Anytime one eats an animal, do note, make no mistake about it, that the slaughterhouse water is the same that is going to go someday on agricultural fields and is the same reason why pollution has increased tremendously and don't even get me started on animal cruelty aspect of this. Don't. What about those who are too lazy, want to always blame the government and corporations but they themselves always buy 'plastic-wrapped' food or one that comes in styrofoam boxes? They love eating bacon and chicken nuggets - it all goes together; same thing, many ways to destroy the planet (and our soil); because after all how can we live without bacon and beef?! We will all die!!. We know the soil is depleted but another aspect of this depletion is pollution - high amounts of fuel being used to serve the lazy dependents and feed the cruel slaughterhouses for these individuals. Unfortunately, these kind of people are the ones that make up the massive populations (and trends) and people like me (and others similar) are left in small percentage and picking up the toxic weight (no pun intended) of such narcissistic individuals in society. Shall we start now? Let's start... What are trace minerals? Minerals are important for many functions in our body - from making hormones to helping heart, brain, muscles and bones working effectively. They also help in enzymatic functions as they support the healthy production of enzymes. Trace minerals specifically are also responsible for our skin, hair and nail health. Minerals also play a very important role in maintaining our blood pressure, electrolyte and fluid balance as well as delivering oxygen to cells. Nerve functions in our body also depend on rich mineral supply. There are 2 types of minerals needed by our body - macro-minerals and micro-minerals, also called as trace minerals. While you need large amounts of macro-minerals (hence the name, 'macro'), you only need trace minerals in small or very low quantity in the body. Macro-minerals include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and chloride. Micro-minerals or trace minerals include iron, iodine, copper, zinc, manganese, chromium, cobalt, fluoride, molybdenum, selenium, boron and many more. There are at least 74 trace minerals. Irrespective whether one is a macro-mineral or trace mineral, whether one is needed in large quantity or smaller quantity, make note that both are equally important and needed by our body. What are the benefits of trace minerals? There are immense benefits of trace minerals and these are:- 1. Cancer prevention & healing - Notice that 3 of the most powerful cancer prevention minerals are selenium, iodine and chromium and these are all trace minerals. This should just tell you the importance of trace minerals and also, as we talked about, the soil depletion and rise in cancer go hand-in-hand. 2. Inflammation - This is a no-brainer; when your body is supplemented with the minerals it was lacking, your underlying inflammation will go down. 3. Hair, Skin & Nails - Once you take trace minerals in the form of shilajit or liquid supplement, you will immediately notice your hair, skin and nails get better. Why? This is because our hair, skin and nails depend mainly on trace minerals for their nourishment. Silica, zinc, copper, boron, iron, iodine, etc are all very essential for hair & skin health. 4. Weight Loss - Many people report not having any cravings for bad stuff after taking minerals supplement and this in turn, naturally helps them lose the excess weight. 5. Joint ache/Muscle Cramps - Because trace minerals are involved in nerve functioning as well as many chemical and electrical processes throughout the body, it is no surprise that when your body is no longer depleted in minerals, you no longer have joint ache or muscle cramps or stiffness. 6. Blood sugar - All trace minerals are important and chromium is especially vital to regulation of insulin as it works side-by-side with insulin to regulate blood glucose. 7. Energy - When your body is depleted in minerals, you will experience lack of energy and vice versa. On top of that is the importance of trace mineral copper - it helps with iron metabolism and helps in picking up the energy. What are fulvic minerals or organic trace minerals? Fulvic acid is an organic compound found in soil and widely available. Fulvic acid is formed when plants and animals decompose and is found in shilajit, soil, coal, lakes, oceans, and in high mountainous regions (as in Himalayas). Fulvic acid has many benefits - it helps in better absorption of vitamins and trace minerals in our body; fulvic acid is an immune booster; lowers inflammation; is also a great detoxifying agent that helps the body get rid of toxic waste and also helps in restoring minerals in the body. The term 'fulvic minerals' is used to describe those minerals that are plant-based trace minerals and have been converted by plants (from the soil) into absorbable form and/or chelated by help of fulvic acid. Because the whole process is very 'organic', this is why they are also referred to as 'organic minerals.' Trace minerals derived from plant sources are much more easier to digest by our body. What is the best source of trace minerals? Our body does not make minerals so its very important to get them from our diet. Trace minerals are best found either in plant sources, rocks, mineral deposits (from prehistoric era) or the sea. Many companies extract trace minerals from rocks as in calcium carbonate, but these are very hard for human body to absorb. Therefore, plant-based sources are the best as they are the easiest for human body to absorb. Another point to note is that when buying trace minerals, liquid ones are better as they have high absorption in the body (about 96% to 98%) as compared to pills or capsules (only 4% to max 18%). What is shilajit and why is it so revered? Shilajit comes from very high altitudes of the Himalayas. It is a sticky resin and black in color. It develops over many centuries from the decomposition of plants - so basically, you are truly connecting with history through the sacredness of shilajit. It contains around 85 minerals, fulvic acid and humic acid. It is very revered as it is considered the best nutrient carrier in the body by Ayurveda's Materia Medica. Shilajit is best taken by adding to warm water - only a pea sized amount is needed and best taken along with your dose of chyawanprash. Because of its nutrients, it is touted for increasing energy, detoxification, better memory & mood, better absorption of nutrients, and overall well-being. For both shilajit and chyawanprash, click on THIS link (or posted below). What is the best time to take trace minerals (or shilajit)? The best time to take trace minerals is in the morning and the same goes for shilajit - take it on an empty stomach in the morning. The reason to take it in the morning is because trace minerals/shilajit will give you lot of energy and you don't want that at evening or night-time. However, for those with stomach sensitivity, taking it with food is advised. Where to buy trace minerals from? IF you feel you would like to start supplementing your health regimen with trace minerals, then look for plant-based trace mineral supplement. You can find one in your local health food store or buy it online. Here we go again! Another powerful and affordable 'tool' in your health cabinet that you can start right away and reap so many benefits. Ref (1). Ref (2). Ref (3). Help Your Loved Ones! - Share! Share! Share! Post it on your FB page! Send in e-mail to all your loved ones! Invite them to join TGR so they can get such detailed articles too! And of course, invite them to eat some Garden Recipes with you! Also, do leave some comments and let me know how you liked the article and if you have any questions! Plz. do NOT e-mail me with any questions or comments regarding this article - post it in the comment section and I will reply there only. To 'Healing with Minerals' - till next article. -Somyata. For Chyawanprash & Shilajit - Click Lotus Blooming Herbs Some Posts to Help You Even More!
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9/3/2019 05:45:35
Wonderful article. Thank you for giving us this much valuable knowledge about minerals,
Kamlesh lathey
9/3/2019 08:34:53
Very informative. I thank you very much on behalf of the whole human society. I learnt a lot from your article. We should stop abusing the most valuable gift human body. We continue doing it because of lack of information.
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